TransGrid iDemand

  • ClientTransGrid NSW
  • DateJul 2014
  • Industry SectorsRenewables
  • LocationWallgrove Regional Centre, NSW

TransGrid operates the major high voltage electricity transmission network in NSW and the ACT, connecting generators, distributors and major end users.

The utility’s network comprises of 99 bulk supply substations and more than 12,900 kilometers of high voltage transmission lines and cables. Interconnected to Queensland and Victoria, the network enables energy trading between Australia’s three largest states along the east coast making it the backbone of Australia’s National Electricity Market.

The network operates primarily at voltage levels of 500 kV, 330 kV, 220 kV and 132 kV. TransGrid’s network also connects to 20 direct connect customers, including the four distribution businesses: Endeavor Energy, Ausgrid, ActewAGL, and Essential Energy.

Client Requirement

IDemand is a hybrid energy project, which was designed to facilitate research into development of demand management opportunities in NSW. The system is also used to save energy at TransGrid’s Wallgrove Regional Centre.


Products Used

Utility Scale Energy Storage
Detailed product description

Magellan Utility Scale Energy Storage can provide localised peak power, improve power quality, offer solar smoothing function (mitigate the effect of passing clouds) and provide uninterruptible power when needed. –

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