Wakathuni Power Station Upgrade
- ClientWakathuni Power Station Upgrade
- DateMay 2016
- Industry SectorsUtilities
- LocationPilbara, WA
Aboriginal Housing Services (AHS) is the planning group within Department of Housing responsible for the housing and utility infrastructure in remote aboriginal communities.
APD Power Engineering were the contractor undertaking the upgrade services.
Client Requirement
Wakathuni Network and Power Station Upgrade for Aboriginal Housing Services. Supply of DC Systems
Products Used
MCRII Series Battery Charger

Detailed product description
The MCRII combines the most rugged and reliable AC to DC rectification, which is transformer and thyristor bridge based technology – with the most advanced microprocessor controlled system, to ensure a 25 year design life. 100% Made in Australia, the MCRII series is highly reliable and designed for use in mining, substations, power stations, utility, marine, processing facilities, infrastructure and oil and gas applications. The combination of ultra-rugged industrial design with state of the art advanced communication facilities and intelligent system controls make the MCRII series the most reliable back up power system available.
For more information please see below.
Download BrochureSeries III B Battery Charger

Detailed product description
Designed for harsh environmental conditions, the Magellan Power Series IIIB battery charger combines rugged SCR power circuitry with intelligent control electronics to produce an efficient, cost effective, highly reliable, safe and almost indestructible charger for vented and sealed Lead Acid batteries.
With low output ripple, LCD Displays and voltage alarms, the Series IIIB battery charger is ideal for engine starting and many other applications.
For more information please see below.
Download Brochure